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Capitol Update November 2, 2020

November 2, 2020

California Federation of Republican Women
Sue Blair, President

Legislative Analyst Desk
Governor Newsom & Coronavirus Series
Issue #1


Governor Newsom & Coronavirus Series

MARCH 2020
California Issues Directive to Fight COVID-19. N-35-20 (3/4/20) 

Gave authority to the State Dept. of Health for the duration of the declared emergency to waive any of the licensing and staffing requirements to any clinic, adult day care, health care, hospice or mobility health care unit; all members of a local legislative body or State body receive updates relative to the declared emergency and notifying local government to make sure adequate staffing and order relaxation of local ordinances to food delivery, pharmaceutical’s and other emergency services.

Governor Newsom Issues New Executive Order Further Enhancing State and Local Government’s Ability to Respond to COVID-19 Pandemic. N-25-20 (3/12/20)
This order included a process to secure numerous facilities to accommodate, quarantine isolation or medical treatment for those testing positive; established that State and local public health for social distancing; gave the Department of Employment Development to waive one week waiting period for unemployment insurance, for disability insurance and applicants who are unemployed as a result of Covid-19; extended for 60 days the payment or filing of tax returns and gave State and local government to make public meetings via teleconferencing with advance notice. 

Governor Newsom Signs Executive Order Ensuring State Funding for Schools Even in Event of Physical Closure. N-26-20 (3/13/20)
Gave local educational agencies (LEA) to provide high quality education via distance learning; to continue to provide school means in non-congregate settings through the summer and to continue to pay employees and directed the California Department of Education & Health and Human Services to develop by 3/17  implementing distance learning (b) ensuring students with disabilities to receive free and appropriate education, (c) provide meals to be served and develop and issue guidance by 3/17 on how to support parents to care for their children during ordinary school hours.
Governor Newsom Issues Executive Order to Protect Ongoing Safety Net Services for Most Vulnerable Californians During COVID-19 Outbreak. N-29-20 (3/14/20) 
Those currently eligible for benefits under Medical, CalFresh, CalWorks, Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants, California Food Assistance or In-home Supportive Services that may require re-determination of such benefits was suspended for 90 days from the date of the order.

Through June 17 any month or partial month CalWork Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids shall not be counted for purposes of the 48 month time limit.
Governor Newsom Issues Executive Order to Protect Renters and Homeowners During COVID-19 Pandemic. N-28-20 (3/16/20)
Effective until May 31 protected residential tenants against eviction; limited local government to impose substantive limitations on residential or commercial evictions based on non-payment or foreclosure caused by the Covid-19; the State shall engage with financial institutions to identify tools to be used to afford relief; financial institutions holding home or commercial mortgages are required to implement immediate moratorium on foreclosures and related evictions.

Also, the Public Utilities Commission shall monitor public and private utility providers to implement customer service protection and report weekly.

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