Get registered now for CAGOP and CFRW training for Poll Oberserving and Neighborhood Teams!
AB-1638 – Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Law: Suspension of Tax: Existing law, the Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Law, imposes a tax upon each gallon of motor vehicle fuel
SB-1100 – Open Meetings: Orderly Conduct. Existing law, the Ralph M. Brown Act, requires, with specified exceptions, that all meetings of a legislative body of a local agency be open and public
Print the Petition, Gather Signatures, and then Mail the Petition to the Address on the bottom of the form.
SB-915 – Gun Control - Would prohibit the sale of firearms and ammunition on all state property.
CFRW women can become the grassroots army needed to gather enough signed petitions to put the California School Choice Initiative on the state ballot in November and change California education!
Governor Newsom’s budget speech spent much hurrah on his proposed universal health care for all, meaning that every person who lives in California would be covered, even the undocumented.
SB 1383 - Short-lived climate pollutants: methane emissions: dairy and livestock: organic waste: landfills
Welcome from CFRW President Janet Price! It is my honor to serve as your CFRW President 2022-2023. This year promises to be transformational for conservative Republican women in California and we are excited to start the groundwork!
At the October CFRW Convention, the CFRW membership approved a Resolution firmly opposing AB 101- the bill recently passed and signed into law that makes Critical Race Theory a requirement for high school graduation beginning with the 2029-2030 graduating class