The Lake County Republican Women Federated, celebrated our 70th Anniversary in November of 2018. We invite all Lake County Republican Women and Men to join us in 2020 as we work to elect as many Republicans as possible at all levels of government.
We meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month February through November at 11:30 am at various locations around Clear Lake, cost is usually $25. Our club features as many local and State candidates as possible this year as speakers for our luncheons so you can make an informed vote.
Please contact Mary Beth Ingvoldstad at 707-987-2404 for information on speakers and places for meetings. We send out a monthly newsletter to all members letting them know who the speaker is and where the luncheon location is. We try to meet around the county so that everyone gets a chance to hear a speaker at a meeting close to home.
Please join us as we make every effort to keep members and guests up to date on current Republican matters. Our meetings are open to declined to state voters and of course registered Republicans.