West Orange County Republican Women Federated

Club Details

Region: Region 8 – Orange
County: Orange
Club: West Orange County RWF
Website:  www.WestOrangeCountyRWF.com
Email: WestOrangeCountyRWF@cfrw.org
Address: P.O. Box 2904
City: Los Alamitos
Zip: 90720

Members Details

President: Nancy Hathcock
1st VP/Programs:  Mari Barke
2nd VP/Membership: Saundra Stark
3rd VP/Ways & Means: Theresa Murphy
Membership Secretary:  Katherine Gerdes
Recording Secretary:  Pat Eskinazi
Parliamentarian:  Jean Stone
Chaplain:  Pauline Siler
Publicity/Newsletter:  Robin Itzler
Corresponding Secretary:  Colleen Lineweber
Reservations:  Chris Barnes
Hospitality Chair:  Patsy Windrin
Youth Program:  Emily Parker/Nancy Hathcock
Americanism:  Jeanette Blanchet
Roster:  Saundra Stark
Social Media: Emily Parker/Robin Itzler
Political Chair:  Mari Barke
Election Integrity:  Katherine Gerdes


Meeting Place

Time: 9:30am until 12:00
Address: Courtyard Marriott, 5865 Katella Ave.,Cypress

Image result for Courtyard Marriott, 5865 Katella Ave.,Cypress

Courtyard Marriott, 5865 Katella Ave.,Cypress

Welcome to the West Orange County RWF which includes the Southwest area of Orange County.  We love politics!  With our focus on the Constitution,electing Republican Candidates, giving back to the communities we serve, you will find us always on the move.  We also like to have fun and enjoy the camaraderie of our fellow Republicans. 

We are looking forward this year to Making California Gold Again and Keeping America Great!  We will be registering new voters, helping to promote petitions for the ballot, meeting our Republican candidates at our meetings, educating our young people about Republican philosophy and history, providing scholarships to our local high school students, supporting the work of Turning Point and the Youth America Foundation and actively participating at Fisher House and providing needed items for our Veterans and to Precious Life.  If you want to make a difference in CA  and the Nation check us out!