Featured News


CFRW is calling on all CFRW members to help get the signatures needed to recall Governor Newsom. The Sacramento Superior Court granted a 120 day extension to continue gathering signatures to get a recall of Gavin Newsom on the ballot.

Action Alert – Take Credit for All You’ve Done for Republican Candidates

WHAT IS PAL? CFRW POLITICAL ACTIVITIES LOG a dorm for recording your CFRW political volunteer hours.

ACTION ALERT – RECALL NEWSOM – Please distribute to club members

Check out this PDF encouraging members to continue the fight to Recall Gavin in 2020.


Political Activities View in PDF Format  CALIFORNIA FEDERATION OF REPUBLICAN WOMEN SUPPORT THE PRESIDENT AND HIS EFFORTS FOR A FULL AUDIT AND HIS CONCERNS REGARDING BALLOT FRAUD, RAMPANT VIOLATIONS, AND ELECTIONS IRREGULARITIES.  WRITE TO THE PRESIDENT AND TELL HIM!  Sue Blair, CFRW President Click on postcard for image. Click on link below for full campaign.   INSTRUCTIONS: Download pre-made postcard graphic, sign it with your name and full CFRW club name. POSTCARD TO READ:  California Federation of Republican Women support and demand a full audit of each battleground state to expose election fraud and illegal voting. MEMBER NAME: CLUB NAME: ADDRESS FOR POSTCARD: PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP WHITE HOUSE 1600 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. WASHINGTON DC 20500 Questions? Contac...

A Special Election Message from CFRW President Sue Blair

A special election message from California Federation of Republican Women President Sue Blair following the November, 2020 election to all members of CFRW.

Action Alert – NFRWarriors are Headed to Georgia!

Election 2020 Action Alert!

IT'S TIME TO VOTE! A special election message from Sue Blair, CFRW President. The time is NOW. Don't wait!

Will You Call? President Trump Needs You!

Make phone calls for the GOP to support President Trump and crucial candidates for seats in Congress this November 3rd. Sign up today by following the easy instructions!

CFRW Hits 100% + In 2020 Membership

California Federation of Republican Women were able to achieve 100% membership numbers on September 23, 2020, in spite of the difficulty of achieving that during the COVID lock down.

CFRW Resolution for Endorsement of President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence

The California Federation of Republican Women is proud to ENDORSE President Donald J. Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and all Republican nominees running for Congress in the state of California.

Action Alert Election Training

Safeguard Your Ballot!

Safeguard your ballot, because we are only 45 days from the election!